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Portrait de Vincenzo De Risi, médaille de bronze du CNRS 2022, chargé de recherche au laboratoire Sciences philosophie histoire (SPHERE), spécialiste de l'histoire de la philosophie et des sciences, et de Kant, Euclide et Leibniz Rattaché à un laboratoire français et détenteur d'une double nationalité italienne et allemande, Vincenzo De Risi incarne la réussite d'une recherche européenne s'affranchissant des frontières. Il tisse des liens entre l'histoire de la philosophie et…

Médaille de bronze 2022 : Vincenzo De Risi, chercheur en épistémologie des mathématiques
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Nathalie Delprat presents her research on the Augmented Reverie paradigm developed at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Digital Sciences (LISN) and more particularly the ELEMENTA project, winner of the CNRS-Image prize 2018. This project concerns the links between virtual materiality, bodily awareness and the imaginary sphere, studied via an immersive and interactive simulation device. The idea is to create virtual representations of the body, which have the physical and dynamic…

Augmented Reverie
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Portrait de Lucie Laplane, Médaille de Bronze du CNRS 2021, chercheuse en philosophie de la biologie, spécialisée dans l'étude des cellules souches et du cancer, à l'Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques. " C'est avec l'envie de mieux comprendre la biologie que j'ai entrepris de faire de la philosophie. Quand l'opportunité s'est présentée de travailler sur le cancer, je n'ai pas hésité. Deux de mes proches amis étaient morts d'un cancer pendant ma…

Médaille de Bronze 2021 : Lucie Laplane, chercheuse en philosophie de la biologie
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Puits de Science, la série YouTube du CNRS, présentée par un René Descartes et un Charles Darwin en deux dimensions, apporte des éléments de réponse à des questions scientifiques grand public. Pour ce faire, nos deux présentateurs interrogent des chercheurs directement par Skype et invitent à l'occasion d'autres figures historiques de la science. Épisode 3 : Comment expliquer la différence de morphologie des êtres vivants ? Les sciences de la vie ne sont plus les seules à…

Puits de Science #3 : D'où viennent les formes du vivant ?
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Puits de Science, la série Youtube du CNRS, présentée par un René Descartes et un Charles Darwin en deux dimensions, apporte des éléments de réponse à des questions scientifiques grand public. Pour ce faire, nos deux présentateurs interrogent des chercheurs directement par Skype et invitent à l'occasion d'autres figures historiques de la science.

Puits de Science
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#5: Does science really mean progress? Can it ascertain truths regardless of the society in which it operates? After May 1968, many scientists and researchers questioned the foundations of scientific ideology and its relationship with the authorities. As they began to "become sociologists in some way", man and women of science started to advocate a dismantling of the barriers within scientific knowledge and practice and stand for multidisciplinary and socially related science making.

Down with scientism!
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Profile of Barbara Cassin, on the occasion of the CNRS Gold Medal that was awarded to her in November 2018. Philologist, philosopher, hellenist, academician and Director of Research at the CNRS, she conducts research on the power of words and language. This award, the most important in the French scientific world, ""crowns a body of work permeated by the question of the power of words, language, and translation as a means of ""dealing with"" cultural differences, and has…

Médaille d'or 2018 : Barbara Cassin, philologue - philosophe
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Pas de cession par extrait

The Youtube channel Zeste de science explores all aspects of scientific research, proving that even the most complicated scientific facts can be explained in less than 5 minutes, and that even the most seemingly trivial events of everyday life, if thoroughly studied, can contribute to the biggest technological advances. Episode 7: Ants, despite being so small, turn out to be true geniuses when it comes to building their nest. Researchers from the French National Center for…

A Virtual Anthill ZdS#7
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This video is an interview with Patrick Maestro, as a winner of the 2015 CNRS Innovation Medal. The 62 year-old chemist and a freshly appointed member of the French academy for technologies is a forerunning authority in material science. He has worked during his research on rare-earth based oxide compounds which are to be found now in low-consumption lamps (LEDs), that he had a major part in their making, in automotive post combustion catalysers or as dyes in plastics. With his 60 publications…

2015 CNRS Innovation Medal laureate: Patrick Maestro
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Film for consultation only

Founded in 1983 in the wake of Roland Barthes, the Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le langage (CRAL) at the CNRS-EHESS (CNRS school of higher studies in social sciences) is dedicated to the study of arts, language and aesthetics. The unit brings together literary scholars, art historians, musicologists, philosophers, linguists, sociologists of art and literature. Featuring interviews with several prominent members the centre over its long history, this documentary provides an original…

Autobiography of a research centre
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Adjournement of exploitation

Le grand herbier du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris, vieux de plus de 3 siècles subit un chantier de rénovation colossal suite au manque de place pour conserver les quelques 8 millions d'échantillons de plantes et graines du monde entier qu'il abrite. Cette série de 40 épisodes met en lumière les différents aspects de cette rénovation : la recherche, le chantier, la numérisation, les herbiers historiques ainsi que les différents arts et métiers du muséum. …

Plus vieil herbier d'Europe (Le)
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Dans le cadre d'une approche interdisciplinaire de leurs domaines respectifs, Lucile Capuron, docteur en psychologie, et Guillaume Ferreira, neurobiologiste, présentent leurs travaux sur la relation entre l'obésité et le cerveau. Lucile Capuron étudie les effets de l'obésité sur les troubles cognitifs chez l'Homme. Guillaume Ferreira étudie le lien entre l'obésité chez l'animal et ces mêmes troubles cognitifs. Ses travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence qu'une obésité…

Deux cerveaux, une recherche
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Michel Burnier, a sociologist, interviews twenty scientists from various disciplines about the future of science and culture. The number 10 of this series is dedicated to Jean-Jacques Salomon, a philosopher and professor at the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. He is also in charge of the division for science policies at the OECD.

Jean-Jacques Salomon
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Michel Burnier, a sociologist, interviews twenty scientists from various disciplines about the future of science and culture. The number 13 of this series is dedicated to Basarab Nicolescu, a physicist and president of the International Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies. He works in the laboratory for high energies of the university Paris VI, on quantum physics, especially on quarks physics.

Basarab Nicolescu
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Michel Burnier, a sociologist, interviews twenty scientists from various disciplines about the future of science and culture. The number 5 of this series is dedicated to Emile Poulat, a CNRS senior researcher, an EHESS director of studies and a founding member of the “Groupe de sociologie des religions” (Group for sociology of religions).

Emile Poulat
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Michel Burnier, a sociologist, interviews twenty scientists from various disciplines about the future of science and culture. The number 7 of this series is dedicated to Pierre-Henry Gouyon, a biologist, professor at the University of Orsay and at the Ecole Polytechnique. He evokes his researches in genetics and interactions between this discipline and ecology.

Pierre-Henri Gouyon

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Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.