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Exposition "L’Océan, colosse aux pieds d’argile", dans le métro parisien en 2022
Exposition "L’Océan, colosse aux pieds d’argile", dans le métro parisien en 2022

© Cyril FRÉSILLON / CNRS Images

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Vignette LPPI 2023
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En 2019, le CNRS a lancé un partenariat avec l’Acfas en déclinant en France le concours photo La preuve par l’image initié en 2010 au Québec. Pour cette cinquième édition CNRS, les acteurs de la recherche ont été invités à proposer leur plus belle image de science. Le pari de ce concours : partir de l’image, qui interpelle et interroge, et non des mots, pour
LPPI 2023
Vignette de présentation de l'expo LPPI2022
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In 2019, the CNRS launched a partnership with the ACFAS to organise the French edition of La Preuve par l’Image, an annual photo competition first held in Quebec in 2010. For this fourth CNRS edition, researchers were again invited to submit their best scientific images. The competition challenges participants to showcase their research by means of eye-catching, thought-provoking images rather than words.
La Preuve Par l'Image 2022
Vignette exposition mécapixel
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L’exposition MécaPixel présente des photographies issues des laboratoires de recherche du CNRS. Elle illustre les multiples visages de la mécanique, une discipline devenue incontournable et aux applications souvent inattendues, à travers 14 panneaux où l’image et son titre tiennent une place centrale. L’histoire qui "raconte l’image" est un texte court, enrichi d’informations sur l’échelle et la technique de prise de vue.
Exposition La preuve par l'image 2021
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In 2019, the CNRS launched a partnership with the ACFAS to organise the French edition of La Preuve par l’Image, an annual photo competition first held in Quebec in 2010. For this third CNRS edition, researchers were again invited to submit their best scientific images. The competition challenges participants to showcase their research by means of eye-catching, thoughtprovoking images rather than words.
La Preuve Par l'Image 2021
Panneau 1 exposition Océan
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Still little known, marine environments are threatened by human activities. As the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) begins, the scientific community, political decision-makers, companies and civil society must work together now to protect and conserve these ecosystems. This exhibition has been produced within this framework, based on scientific results.
Marine environments (over)exploited, what solutions for a sustainable future?
Thumbnail La preuve par l'image 2020
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In 2019, the CNRS launched a partnership with Acfas by extending the photo competition La preuve par l'image, which was initiated in 2010 in Quebec, to France. For this second edition, the CNRS research community has been invited to submit their best research image. The challenge of this competition is to use images, which challenge and question, rather than words to show research.
La Preuve Par l'Image 2020
vignette exposition LPPI
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This exhibition is a response to the dual challenge of using images rather than words to "speak" about research and engaging in a dialogue with the public. Beyond images' pure beauty, they are also a research and investigation tool which enables scientists to decipher their own results. Photographs taken using all techniques - from cameras to drones and microscopes - offer another vision of research which can be surprising, unexpected, indecipherable and sometimes essential.
La Preuve Par l'Image 2019
Thumbnail Séchura exhibition
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The photos on show in this exhibition were taken in June 2017 and act as a record of an archaeological mission which aimed to understand humans and animals' processes of adaptation and acclimatization on the Peruvian desert coast in pre-Hispanic times. They testify to how researchers in archaeology, funerary archaeo-anthropology, geomorphology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology and ceramology work - from archaeological excavations to laboratory analysis.
Sechura, the desert which reveals itself to archaeologists
panneau titre expo 10lieux 10milieux
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Biodiversity "is life". There is an extremely rich diversity of living things which involves all environments and latitudes but remains relatively unknown. Biodiversity is essential for humans because it provides them with essential services (resources, ecological services, chemical and therapeutic innovations, feedback effect on changes, etc.). The main challenge for researchers is to understand the organization and dynamics of biodiversity and its role in how ecosystems function.
Biodiversity, 10 places, 10 environments
thumbnail Laser à tout faire
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The emission of the first laser flash, fifty years ago in 2010, marked a real breakthrough in the field of optics. For the first time concentrated, orderly light existed which was unlike any other light. Every year since then, researchers have been striving to find new ways of ordering light in space, time or colour while developing new uses for laser light.
The all-purpose laser
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The history of the CNRS is fundamentally linked to the history of science and scientific advances and that of how research is organized and its policy aspects. Since its creation, the CNRS has successfully transformed and renewed itself to help it coordinate, federate and support constantly evolving research of excellence. The 13 panels of the exhibition describe the major milestones of this history from its beginnings in 1939 right up to the 2000s.
Once upon a time, the CNRS
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Most of the Amazon region is covered by a forest with a surface area of around 6 million square kilometres. It has existed for around 50 million years and has undergone major disturbances but never resetting like in our latitudes following the ice ages. 200,000 species have been identified there to date taking all groups together which gives an estimated total of 1.8 million.
The amazonian rainforest
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How do both recent and distant traces of the past take on the status of heritage objects? This CNRS exhibition reveals this whole process of transmission. From the discovery of an object to its exhibition through its authentication and protection, science takes an active role in each of these stages and thus creates a link between past civilisations and future generations.
The corridor of time
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Observing and understanding nature better to replicate its genius... This is not a new idea but the concept of bio-inspiration now appears to be more than ever a major trend for innovation. In health, robotics, ecology, chemistry, engineering sciences, etc., CNRS researchers will show you their research and its applications which were inspired by nature. Welcome to the bio-inspired world!
The living sphere as a model

CNRS Images,

Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.