© Violette DA CUNHA / Philippe GLASER / Pierre LECHAT / Erika SOUCHE / Ivan MOSZER / IPL / C3BI / CNRS Images
Représentation circulaire de la distribution et de la recombinaison de SNPs
Circular representation of the distribution and recombination of SNPs (minor variations in the genome within a population or species that cause morphological differences or a predisposition to certain diseases). Here, research scientists have compared lines of the cc1 clonotype of group B Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) to the Streptococcus agalactiae bacterium line, which is a major cause of neonatal bacterial infections. The recent development of new sequencing technologies means these organisms can be studied at the level of the genome. In the case of Streptococcus, this study made it possible to reconstruct the recent evolutionary history of the major clones responsible for infections. Intergenic mutations are shown in black, synonymous mutations in pink and nonsynonymous mutations in blue. The recombination regions are the areas most densely populated by SNPs. This image was generated using the SynTView software package (Lechat P, Souche E, Moszer I).
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