
Drôles d'inventions

La série "Drôles d'inventions" revisite avec humour les archives filmiques de l'ONRSII, ancêtre du CNRS, au travers de six fausses publicités mettant en scène de vraies inventions.

Drôles d'inventions
Les inventions sont :
- Aéro-moteur
- Costume insubmersible / Hangar gonflable
- Lance-tracts
- Lunettes et écouteurs sous-marins
- Machine à laver la vaisselle
- Trottoirs roulants
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The humoristic Strange Inventions series revisits the film archives of the National office for scientific research and inventions (ONRSI, the CNRS's ancestor, by exploring fake advertisements staging real inventions. This first episode presents a rosewood boat, a small vessel whose underwater screw is actuated by an above-head propeller!

Air engine

Scientific topics

CNRS Images,

Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.