



Carte de l'évaluation des dégâts de l’ouragan Irma dans la région de Marigot à Saint-Martin

Damage assessment map following the passage of Hurricane Irma in the Marigot area of Saint-Martin in the French Caribbean; the map is based on Pléiades imagery acquired on 8 September 2017. Moderately and severely damaged buildings are shown as orange and red dots, and the map also shows damage to the road network and port infrastructure. On 6 September 2017, Hurricane Irma, a powerful Category 5 storm, began to roll through the Caribbean, causing devastation on the French islands of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélémy in particular. This image was produced by the ICube laboratory's regional image processing and remote detection unit, SERTIT. Operating in near real-time, SERTIT provides satellite imagery-derived geoinformation to risk management and disaster response management stakeholders. SERTIT is a national pioneer and a major provider of emergency mapping services for civil defence agencies, the European Commission and other international organisations. SERTIT is also rolling out its activity to the insurance sector.

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