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© Fabrice MONNA/UPMC/METIS/ArScAn/MEAE/ARTeHIS/Maison d'Archéologie et d'Ethnologie/CNRS Images



Géophysicien, lors d'une campagne de prospection magnétique, près de Loropéni au Burkina Faso

The geophysicist Christian Camerlynck, during a magnetic prospecting campaign at the Kongonyo site near the ruins of Loropéni, Burkina Faso. This technique is used to measure fluctuations in the field's vertical magnetic gradient, revealing archaeological structures such as foundations, ovens and fireplaces. The Loropéni site, extending over almost 10,000 sq. m and built on several levels, the oldest of which date back to the period from the 11th to 15th centuries, is surrounded by high stone walls. Although the site's purpose is still not fully understood, it may relate to the region's gold mines, which have been worked since 1000 AD. This research, being conducted as part of the Lobi-Or-Fort project, will provide insights as a result of a multi-disciplinary approach combining archaeology, geophysics, anthropology, geochemistry and 3D modelling.

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