
© Jean-Christophe AME / BSC / UNISTRA / CNRS Images



Métaphase anormale de Cellules HeLa

Interphase HeLa cell observed using fluorescence microscopy. DNA is marked in blue, histone H3 in green, and cytochrome C (released by mitochondria upon cell death) in red. The cell volume increases during the interphase, immediately prior to division. Here, researchers are studying a particular case of cell death, known as mitotic catastrophe. This phenomenon may be caused by a defect in the cell cycle sequence or by a DNA alteration. More specifically, the scientists are interested in cells that have lost the PARG function. This enzyme - Poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) - degrades poly(ADP-ribose), a small branched molecule that temporarily modifies proteins with a role in repairing damage to DNA.

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