Coccolithophores on a starry background

Centre de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE)


CEREGE is an international multidisciplinary research and teaching center in environmental geosciences: past climate change and its impacts, natural hazards, pollution and soils, geodynamics and fluids, geophysics, planetology... A center of excellence in terms of human skills and instrumental capabilities, CEREGE's research relies on state-of-the-art laboratories combining field observation techniques with analytical experimentation and numerical modeling.

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En Italie, la région des Abruzzes renferme les montagnes les plus élevées de la chaine des Apennins, le point culminant étant le Corno Grande, haut de 2 912 m. Depuis plusieurs années des séismes importants s'y succèdent. Nous nous souvenons notamment de ceux de 2009 et 2016, particulièrement meurtriers. Mais quel lien y a-t-il entre un événement de quelques secondes et la formation d'une montagne haute de plusieurs centaines de mètres ? Nos…

Séismes, architectes du paysage (Les)_SAPS
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Fondé par Didier Bourlès, le Laboratoire national des nucléides cosmogéniques (LN2C) offre depuis 2006 à l'ensemble de la communauté française un accès direct à la mesure de la concentration de nucléides cosmogéniques dans des échantillons naturels. L'ambition : lever des verrous scientifiques sur les aléas naturels ou les variations climatiques. Les nucléides cosmogéniques, produits par l'interaction des particules du rayonnement cosmique et de certains atomes de l'environnement…

Cristal collectif 2023 : LN2C, Laboratoire national des nucléides cosmogéniques
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Jérôme Rose, médaille d'argent du CNRS 2020, chercheur physico-chimiste en sciences de l'environnement dans l'équipe Environnement durable du Centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement. " Alors que j'étais étudiant à l'école de géologie de Nancy, l'enthousiasme inattendu suscité par les cours de thermodynamique statistique sur les mécanismes moléculaires aux interfaces, couplé à mon intérêt des questions environnementales, allaient m…

Médaile d'argent 2020 : Jérôme Rose, chercheur en physico-chimie
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Two hundred million years ago, a meteorite crashed to Earth and formed a crater 20 kilometres in diameter, one of the largest in the world, in the heart of present-day French department Haute Vienne. Although the impact zone is today totally invisible to the naked eye, evidence of the cataclysm can be detected in the composition of the soil and by observing local relief. Now home to the village of Rochechouart, this area is of particular interest to geophysicists. A thorough study of soils in…

A star scar
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The Berre pond is one of the largest brackish water ponds in Europe. Located at the outskirts of Marseille, it is today one of the most studied lagoons around the Mediterranean. Researchers in different disciplines (historian, ecologists, industry, politicians) elaborate on theindustrial history of this place and demonstrate how it has become a threatened and threatening place. They try to find solutions to rehabilitate this lake and its ecosystem into a living place for those staying on its…

Etang de Berre, a body of water as it is (The)
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The Observatories “Men and Environments” (called in French OHM) are intended to encourage the interdisciplinary researches on a given territory, marked by a major event which has a very important environmental, economical and social impact. The observatory dedicated to the coalfield of Provence was the first created by the CNRS in 2007. The area observed by this OHM is the former Gardanne coalfield, which covers 17 towns of about 100,000 inhabitants, and whose exploitation was definitively…

The “Provençal” Coalfield
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CNRS researchers have discovered, using radar satellite images, circular geological formations extending over 5000 square kilometers. On a research trip to the Gilf Kebir plateau in Egypt, Philippe Paillou and his multi-disciplinary team seek to show that this is the largest known field of astroblemes (craters resulting from meteor impacts). Then Philippe Paillou and his team test measuring equipment which will contribute to preparing future missions to the planet Mars.

Craters in the sand
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The POMME program (standing for Programme océan multidisciplinaire méso échelle, or Multidisciplinary middle-level ocean program) has as its main goal the better understanding of the effect of oceans on climate, given that they function as a reservoir of carbon, heat, and transformation of living matter. From April 16 to May 7, 2001, the oceanographic vessel Atalante carried out one of four series of measurements included in this research program in the northeastern Atlantic, halfway between…

POMME mission (The)

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