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© La Belle Société production / EPPDCSI-Universcience / MNHN / Ceebios / Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire / IRD / Institut des Futurs souhaitables / Région Sud / Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine / Région Bretagne / Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque / CNRS – 2019
Domino effect
Series title
Nature = Future! Saison 2Why are there no collisions among schools of fish or flocks of starlings that make extremely rapid changes of direction? And how do these thousands of individuals manage to share so much information? This collective intelligence that exists at different levels of life is vital for many species, but humans do not yet engage in it...
Researchers are studying these properties of life with the aim of developing bio-inspired algorithms for numerous applications.
Production year
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