© CNRS - 2017
2017 CNRS Innovation Medal laureate: Jean-Pierre Nozières
As a 2017 CNRS Innovation Medal laureate, Jean-Pierre Nozières, an expert in spintronics and founder with Bernard Diery (CEA) of the spintronics and component technology laboratory (laboratoire Spintronique et technologie des composants, a joint unit of the CNRS, CEA and Université Grenoble-Alpes), looks back on his career. His research work focussed on magnetic components, from the initial material to concepts, and especially on magnetic memories (MRAMs, magnetic random access memories) during the last ten years. His commitment for research spinoff developments in spintronics, a field in which France ranks among the first in the world, came to fruition with the establishment of four start-ups - Crocus Technology (2006), eVaderis (2014), Antaïos (2016) and Hprobe (2017). He is also the inventor of over twenty patented innovative technologies.
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