© CNRS / Campus Condorcet - 2015
Frederick Douzet, Geographer
Frédérick Douzet is Professor at the French institute of Geopolitics (Institut Français de Géopolitique) at the university Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis and Castex Chair in Cyberstrategy. Her research focuses on the geopolitical stakes of cyberspace, i.e. the power rivalries linked to the global expansion of the Internet and the communication arena it generates, between a multiplicity of stakeholders (States, companies, individuals, political groups, hackers, criminals, etc.).
Be it data flows between countries, the clout of Asia in the population of internet users, the development of hardware infrastructures, the spread of intermediation plaforms (Google, Facebook or Baidu, etc.), all this is what Frédérick Douzet seeks to understand to map the geography of cyberspace and its stakes in terms of power relations. She investigates into the perspectives and strategies developed by stakeholders to counter threats and make the best of the opportunities offered by cyberspace, a new dimension of contemporary geopolitical conflicts. (Text from the Condorcet Campus website).
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