Scientific news

Ecology, Environment and Biodiversity week

From 27 to 31 May, the CNRS is organising Ecology, Environment and Biodiversity Week, to bring together researchers, partners and local players to discuss scientific issues relating to ecology and the protection of our environment.

Papillon « Heliconius numata » dans une serre de la Plateforme d’étude expérimentale amazonienne (PLEEA).
Papillon « Heliconius numata » dans une serre de la Plateforme d’étude expérimentale amazonienne (PLEEA).

© Thibaut Vergoz / LEEISA / CNRS Images

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The aim of this week is to publicise and recognise the expertise of laboratories and observation and research facilities such as workshop zones (ZA) and observatories for man and the environment (OHM), in the study of socio-ecosystems and in support of decision-making and the resolution of environmental crises. Numerous events will take place throughout France. It gives the general public an opportunity to find out about the research being carried out in CNRS laboratories and facilities, and how this research often directly addresses local issues.

This is an opportunity for us to offer you a selection of recent productions on these themes.

Panneau 1 exposition Océan
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Still little known, marine environments are threatened by human activities. As the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) begins, the scientific community, political decision-makers, companies and civil society must work together now to protect and conserve these ecosystems. This exhibition has been produced within this framework, based on scientific results.
Marine environments (over)exploited, what solutions for a sustainable future?
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Most of the Amazon region is covered by a forest with a surface area of around 6 million square kilometres. It has existed for around 50 million years and has undergone major disturbances but never resetting like in our latitudes following the ice ages. 200,000 species have been identified there to date taking all groups together which gives an estimated total of 1.8 million.
The amazonian rainforest
panneau titre expo 10lieux 10milieux
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Biodiversity "is life". There is an extremely rich diversity of living things which involves all environments and latitudes but remains relatively unknown. Biodiversity is essential for humans because it provides them with essential services (resources, ecological services, chemical and therapeutic innovations, feedback effect on changes, etc.). The main challenge for researchers is to understand the organization and dynamics of biodiversity and its role in how ecosystems function.
Biodiversity, 10 places, 10 environments

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