Scientific news

The CNRS Quantum Ambitions

The "Quantum Ambitions" conference, to be held online on 21 February, is one of the events co-organised by the CNRS as part of the French Presidency of the European Union.

The qubit is the fundamental building block of the quantum computer, a superposition of 2 states, spin up (red) and spin down (blue).
The qubit is the fundamental building block of the quantum computer, a superposition of 2 states, spin up (red) and spin down (blue).

© Sylvain Bertaina / IM2NP / LASIRe / FSU / CNRS Photothèque

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From 1 January 2022 and for six months, France will hold the presidency of the European Union, with the aim of developing "a more united and sovereign Europe". The CNRS is involved at the European level and is mobilising during these six months by organising and taking part in a number of events that will showcase and reflect on this Europe of scientific research and innovation.

This online conference "Quantum ambitions: strengthening Europe's leadership", organised by CNRS, CEA and Inria, will highlight the scientific and technological challenges linked to the emergence of a European quantum industry, combining research and investment, coordination of national strategies and international cooperation in the field of quantum technologies.

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De chercheur à entrepreneur

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