
From the laboratory to every day: the art of innovation

Research is good, but innovation is even better! This is an area in which CNRS performs well, with many of its scientists stepping into the world of innovation each year as they create start-ups to promote and disseminate more effectively the fruits of their research.

Curve One
Curve One

© Cyril FRÉSILLON / Curve One / CNRS Images

Sideros, which is developing an innovative treatment to fight persistent cancer cells, recently became the 1500th start-up to come out of a laboratory supervised by CNRS. All these companies, which cover all the scientific disciplines being explored by CNRS, have the same goal: to capitalise on research and find concrete applications to benefit the general public and industry. These particularly resilient and innovative start-ups are opening up new prospects in medicine, biotechnologies, environmental management and space… And it is an ongoing process: nearly 100 new start-ups are currently launched each year within CNRS’ laboratories.

Come and meet these scientific entrepreneurs who could change our lives…

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Chauffage d’iode par Elena Zorzoli Rossi, ingénieure expérimentation pour la start-up "ThrustMe", en présence de Ane Aanesland, co-fondatrice de la start-up et lauréate de la médaille de l'Innovation 2019 du CNRS. L’iode est utilisé comme propergol, produit de propulsion, dans le propulseur I2T5 et aussi dans les futures versions du NPT30 conçues et développées par la start-up. L’iode remplace ici le xénon, très utilisé pour les systèmes de propulsion à plasma. L’iode est en effet nettement…

Chauffage d’iode utilisé comme propergol dans les propulseurs "ThrustMe'
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Robots are interacting with humans on a daily basis in increasing number. The LIRIS laboratory (Laboratoire d'informatique en image et systèmes d'information/laboratory of image computing and information systems) teamed up with the start-up company Hoomano to develop software integrating artificial intelligence, BEHAVIORS.AI. Funded by a French National Research Agency (ANR) grant, the project is focussed on exploring the path of machine learning, to improve human-robot interactions. Scientists…

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A spin-off of the Models and Simulations for Architecture and Heritage laboratory (CNRS/Ministère de la Culture), the start-up Mercurio proposes a scanner to quickly and autonomously create realistic 3D models of art objects of all sizes, ranging from a vase to a sculpture. A new way to enhance museum collections.

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The CNRS is a major player in innovation in France and around the world in terms of projects funded each year, its numerous partnerships with the private sector and industry, and the number of patents filed. Researchers, benefiting from the CNRS early-stage program and public-private partnerships, describe and discuss their innovative research and testify to the support provided by the institution.

CNRS, actor of innovation (The)
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Pipetage dans la cartouche propriétaire jetable à 5 puits (3 mesures simultanées + 2 contrôles positif/négatif) du dispositif portable d’analyses biologiques développé par la start-up MagIA Diagnostics. Orphée Cugat est le porteur des divers projets académiques inter-laboratoires préalables et est scientifiquement et technologiquement impliqué dans la conception du cœur de la cartouche intégrée (substrat magnétique à micro-motifs) et le développement du prototype de lecteur (miniaturisation,…

Pipetage dans une cartouche jetable du dispositif d’analyses biologiques de MagIA Diagnostics
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Face avant d'un système pile à hydrogène conçu par la start-up H2Sys. Ce système transforme de l'hydrogène et l'oxygène de l'air en électricité, à la demande, avec pour seuls résidus de l'eau et de la chaleur. Daniel Hissel, lauréat de la médaille de l'Innovation du CNRS 2020 travaille sur ces piles à hydrogène. En moins de 15 ans, ses travaux ont permis d'amener cette thématique émergente jusqu'à un niveau de maturité technologique élevé. Le projet de système pile à hydrogène destiné à…

Face avant d’un système pile à hydrogène
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Curve One specialises in the production of curved sensors for the drone, autonomous vehicle, and photography and video camera markets, as well as for astronomy and scientific instrumentation. Its sensors improve clarity, reduce distortion, and eliminate vignetting (the dark corners present on certain photos). Based on the expertise of the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Marseille (CNRS/Cnes/Aix-Marseille Université), #CurveOne proposes a comprehensive solution for boosting images, and will be on…

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Prélèvement placé dans un bloc chauffant lors d'un test salivaire de dépistage du SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), le test EasyCOV, développé par le laboratoire Sys2Diag (CNRS/ALCEN). Moins coûteux que les tests PCR réalisés en laboratoires d’analyse, le test EasyCOV peut être réalisé sur le terrain et permet d'avoir un résultat en 40 minutes, avec un taux de fiabilité équivalent au test nasopharyngé. Il suffit de prélever de la salive, l'un des principaux vecteurs du virus, et de la placer avec des…

Prélèvement placé dans un bloc chauffant lors d'un test salivaire de dépistage du SARS-CoV-2
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Sophie Brouard, lauréate de la médaille de l'Innovation du CNRS 2020 et Richard Danger, post-doctorant, en salle de culture cellulaire. Vétérinaire de formation et à présent directrice de recherche du CNRS au Centre de recherche en transplantation et immunologie (CRTI, INSERM/CHU de Nantes/Université de Nantes/ITUN), Sophie Brouard est récompensée pour ses travaux sur la réduction des lourds traitements qui évitent le rejet des greffes, mais causent de nombreux effets secondaires. En étudiant…

Sophie Brouard lauréate de la médaille de l'Innovation du CNRS 2020 et Richard Danger
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Sébastien Faivre (à gauche), président de la start-up H2Sys et Daniel Hissel (à droite), lauréat de la médaille de l'Innovation du CNRS 2020 s'intéressent à un véhicule équipé d'un système pile à hydrogène. Daniel Hissel est professeur à l’Université de Franche-Comté et chercheur à l’Institut Franche-Comté électronique mécanique thermique et optique - sciences et technologies (FEMTO-ST, CNRS/Université de Franche-Comté/Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard/ ENSMM), il est récompensé…

Véhicule avec système pile à hydrogène
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LEAP is a new generation aircraft engine that reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15%. It was jointly designed in a collaboration between Safran Aircraft Engines and several CNRS laboratories, including EM2C (Laboratoire Énergétique Moléculaire et Macroscopique, Combustion/molecular and macroscopic energy and combustion laboratory). The advantage of this partnership is to improve knowledge on the production of soot, which is fine particles resulting from the incomplete combustion…

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Tiamat designs, develops, and produces sodium-ion batteries in a standard industrial format. These batteries could mitigate some of the limitations of the lithium-ion batteries that currently prevail, such as charging speed, lifespan, and the cost of production. Located in Amiens (northern France), this young company emerged from the French Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage (RS2E) led by the CNRS, and now has a few dozen functional prototypes available. Some of them, including…

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To control the massive use of chemical pesticides in France, a team of researchers believes they have found an alternative in micro-algae. As a result of samples taken from the French coast, several strains of micro-algae showed surprising capacities. Based on a defence mechanism common to many living beings, RNA silencing, researchers have demonstrated the ability of plants to ramp up their immune system. Extract D, a micro-algae discovered in Brittany, has revealed its ability to directly…

In a field of possibilities
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Bio Inspir' studies the depolluting qualities of certain land and aquatic plants. This start-up is especially interested in water mint, a small plant native to the southern French Occitanie region that has exceptional capacities for purifying water containing metallic and organic elements. Used in the form of a powder or alive, this plant can purify contaminated water directly at industrial sites. #BioInspir' finds industrial applications for the research conducted by the laboratoire de Chimie…

Bio Inspir'
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KeeeX is a spin-off from the LIS laboratory (Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes/informatics and systems laboratory) and develops a universal and unbreakable digital authentication certificate. This technology delivers certified, time-stamped and geolocated data, and protects the integrity of goods, containers, documents, photos and videos as well as documents, photos and videos, thus countering any fraud attempt. The software is made tamper-proof by using the computer support of a Bitcoin…

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Nearly one out of every four Netflix online video is viewed on a mobile phone. But even in this case, broadcasting comes in high definition. Delivering 4K images despite low telephone bit rate throughput (100KB/s) is the feat that Netflix was able to achieve thanks to researchers at the LS2N (Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique/digital sciences laboratory) in Nantes. After interviewing numerous users of the American platform, the scientists developed an algorithm that allowed them to…

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On the occasion of the 2019 CNRS Medal for Innovation award, we look back at the career of Livio de Luca, a researcher in the digitisation of cultural heritage. Originally trained as an architect, then obtaining a degree in Arts and Crafts and Computer Science, Livio de Luca defines himself as a researcher in the digitisation of cultural heritage. Now director of the Models and Simulations for Architecture and Heritage laboratory (CNRS/Ministry of Culture), this CNRS researcher began his work…

Livio de Luca, lauréat de la Médaille de l'innovation 2019
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On the occasion of the 2019 CNRS innovation medal award, we look back at the career of physics researcher Ane Aanesland. Trained at the University of Tromsø in Norway, then recruited at the CNRS Plasma Physics Laboratory, Ane Aanesland along with her colleague Dmytro Rafalskyi, founded the start-up ThrustMe in 2017, specialising in the propulsion of miniaturised satellites. Together they have developed two major innovations to reduce the size of the propulsion systems used by satellites to…

Médaille de l'innovation 2019 : Ane Aanesland
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Miniaturised low-altitude satellites represent the future of global connectivity and real-time Earth monitoring. #ThrustMe enables this new space industry to be economically and environmentally sustainable by developing and marketing electric propulsion systems, which will be on display during the fair. This start-up was founded in 2017, and emerged from the Laboratoire de physique des plasmas (CNRS/Ecole polytechnique).

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Based on research conducted at the Laboratoire d'hydrodynamique (CNRS/Ecole polytechnique), #Sensome has developed ultra-miniaturised sensors that use artificial intelligence to identify the biological nature of tissues in real time. Integrated in the intravascular Clotild™ probe, their technology can, for instance, categorise blood clots in order to help doctors during the treatment of an ischemic stroke.

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SpinD Gold is an innovative combination of gold and tungsten. This novel material was obtained in connection with research in spintronics (a field seeking to exploit magnetism in electronics), led by Cyrile Deranlot and Albert Fert, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics, at the Laboratoire mixte de physique CNRS/Thales. Used by the start-up #DAUMET, this new white gold is the whitest gold alloy ever obtained. Its brilliance and colour are first-rate in comparison to any other white gold on…

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From the research lab... to the game room! A team of robotics scientists has developed powerful algorithms that secure drone flights so well that anyone can fly them without risking a crash. The tech startup Drone Interactive tapped into the basic science led at the GIPSA-Lab in the French Alps where researchers and engineers are working hard on creating the future of flying robots.

Flying Robots

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