Mise à l'eau de Bathybot

Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie (MIO)


The MIO is a research laboratory in Oceanology. Its goal is to better understand the oceanic system and its evolution in response to global changes. The MIO constitutes a center of expertise in marine biology, ecology, biodiversity, microbiology, halieutics, physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and sedimentology. Its working environment is the world ocean, alongside its continental, atmospheric and sediment interfaces.

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Plus d'un an après sa mise à l'eau, BathyBot vient de s'éveiller au fond de la mer Méditerranée. Plongez aux côtés de ce robot téléopéré depuis la surface, le premier à être installé de façon permanente à 2400 mètres de profondeur pour au moins cinq ans. Accompagné d'un récif artificiel et d'une batterie d'instruments, BathyBot permettra d'étudier la biodiversité, la bioluminescence et les processus biogéochimiques des fonds marins. Imaginé scientifiquement par les équipes de…

BathyBot, le robot des profondeurs
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Portrait de Mar Benavides, médaille de bronze du CNRS 2021, chercheuse en océanographie microbienne, spécialisée en diversité fonctionnelle et biogéochimie à l'Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie. " Issue d'une famille de navigateurs, j'ai toujours été attirée par la mer. Lors de mes études, j'ai été fascinée par la façon dont de minuscules micro-organismes marins contrôlent les cycles biogéochimiques à l'échelle globale. Depuis, je consacre mes recherches à l'étude des…

Médaille de bronze 2021 : Mar Benavides, chercheuse en océanograpie microbienne
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HyMex (HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment) is an international cross-disciplinary research programme which started in 2010 and whose objectives are to observe and understand the different components of water cycles around the Mediterranean Basin. It is part of the wider range MISTRALS programme. Researchers from different disciplines (climatologists, agronomists, sociologists, atmospheric physicists) work on this project, which involves considerable resources (aircraft, ships, low…

Mediterranean in a time of measuring (The)
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The Berre pond is one of the largest brackish water ponds in Europe. Located at the outskirts of Marseille, it is today one of the most studied lagoons around the Mediterranean. Researchers in different disciplines (historian, ecologists, industry, politicians) elaborate on theindustrial history of this place and demonstrate how it has become a threatened and threatening place. They try to find solutions to rehabilitate this lake and its ecosystem into a living place for those staying on its…

Etang de Berre, a body of water as it is (The)
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The POMME program (standing for Programme océan multidisciplinaire méso échelle, or Multidisciplinary middle-level ocean program) has as its main goal the better understanding of the effect of oceans on climate, given that they function as a reservoir of carbon, heat, and transformation of living matter. From April 16 to May 7, 2001, the oceanographic vessel Atalante carried out one of four series of measurements included in this research program in the northeastern Atlantic, halfway between…

POMME mission (The)

CNRS Images,

Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.