Vignette Prodig

Pole de recherche pour l'organisation et la diffusion de l'information géographique (PRODIG)


The project of the UMR PRODIG focuses on the analysis of the relationships between development and environment. The research is conducted in a comparative and multiscalar perspective, with particular attention to the territorialisation of neoliberal globalization and global changes (climate change, population growth, urbanization, degradation of natural resources, migrations) in a wide variety of areas (rural and agricultural land, urban and peri-urban areas, mountains, islands and coastal zones), mainly in the South, but also in the North (especially France).

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What happens to our garbage after it is dumped? Through the example of Delhi, the film explores the transformation of a piece of plastic waste into a resource, through filmed interviews with diverse “people of waste” living in the shadow of consumer society. It aims at making visible the myriad of professions that specialize in the collection, sorting, reselling, cleaning, shredding and transformation of waste, from the stigmatized garbage picker at the bottom of the chain until…

People of waste (The). Living plastic

CNRS Images,

Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.