Robot humanoïde Nina

Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA-lab)


GIPSA-lab develops theoretical and applied researches on control, signal and images processing, speech, cognition, robotics and artifical intelligence. Multidisciplinary and at the interface between the human, physical and digital worlds, its work is based on mathematical and computational theories for the development of models and algorithms, validated by hardware and software implementations.

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Episode 33: Even though confined, like all French people, the Zeste de Science team is mobilising to continue its mission of popularising science (and entertainment!) in this particularly difficult period for our loyal subscribers. In this special video made in accordance with the confinement measures, we discuss drones, which may soon no longer need us to fly around...

Drones : Independence Day ZdS#33
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From the research lab... to the game room! A team of robotics scientists has developed powerful algorithms that secure drone flights so well that anyone can fly them without risking a crash. The tech startup Drone Interactive tapped into the basic science led at the GIPSA-Lab in the French Alps where researchers and engineers are working hard on creating the future of flying robots.

Flying Robots
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Portrait de Pierre Comon lauréat de la Médaille d'Argent 2018 du CNRS. Directeur de recherche au sein du GIPSA-Lab (Délégation Alpes), il est spécialiste en conception d'outils théoriques et en développement d'algorithmes pour extraire des informations cachées dans des données. En 2013, il obtient une bourse ERC Advanced Grant pour le projet DECODA consacré au développement de méthodes tensorielles pour la science des données, et leurs applications à la santé et l'environnement.

Médaille d'Argent 2018 : Pierre Comon, chercheur CNRS en science de données
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If we are to one day communicate naturally with robots, they will need to master not only speech, but also the subtle yet essential rules of non-verbal communication such as posture and eye movement. A team of researchers is using machine-learning techniques to teach those skills to Nina, their humanoid robot.

Through Nina's eyes
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In an effort to alleviate the ever mounting traffic jam congestion in large cities, a team of researchers developed the "Grenoble Traffic Lab", an experimental traffic management system. Federica Garin, an automation engineer, shows how this system operates, as it is installed by Grenoble's Southern bypass road. There is a dual objective. First, the motorway traffic flow is measured with a network of sensors along the bypass road and second, traffic is regulated by using variable display road…

Predictive traffic management

CNRS Images,

Our work is guided by the way scientists question the world around them and we translate their research into images to help people to understand the world better and to awaken their curiosity and wonderment.