
Françoise Héritier, the ethnologist and anthropologist

Come and meet one of humanity's most untiring thinkers, a pioneer in the study of domination in male/female relations.

How has domination in the relations between men and women been a social construct, even to the extent of affecting their physical differences? Where do our representations of kinship and marriage come from? Are they subject to universal laws? Françoise Héritier explored questions like these, among many others, throughout her illustrious career as an anthropologist and ethnologist, from her early days carrying out fieldwork in Africa to her position at the Collège de France. Through a series of portraits and documents, come and learn about this socially-engaged researcher, viewed by Claude Lévi-Strauss as his successor.

CNRS Le Journal Article (only available in French)

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Philippe Descola, lauréat de la Médaille d'or du CNRS 2012, ici aux cotés de Françoise Héritier et Claude Lévi-Strauss. Anthropologue, Américaniste, spécialiste des Indiens d'Amazonie et du rapport à la nature établi par les sociétés humaines, Philippe Descola est professeur au Collège de France depuis 2000 dans la chaire d'Anthropologie de la nature. Il dirige le Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale (Collège de France/CNRS/EHESS) fondé en 1960 par Claude Lévi-Strauss.

Philippe Descola, lauréat de la Médaille d'or du CNRS 2012, ici aux cotés de Françoise Héritier et C

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