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Balloon belt photographed on July 2nd, 1938. A pilot during WW1, Auguste Chalbert experienced several emergency landings on water. He expressed concerns over rescue at sea at a time when sea rescue devices were unre¬liable. The lifebelt was deemed dangerous due to possible risk of causing the wearer to fall headfirst or even flip him upside down. Although it was quick to put on, one could not swim while wearing it. Chalbert’s balloon belt on the other hand was easy to put on and allowed for swimming all while keeping the victim stable and level with the help of evenly distri¬buted floats. Albert Toussaint, from the ONRSII’s aviation laboratory, also supported the device. Its size was reasonable, but its price of production deterred the State from investing. Chalbert then sold his invention to private individuals. Office national des recherches scientifiques et industrielles et des inventions. Extrait du livre Inventions 1915-1939 de Luce Lebart. Extract from the book Inventions 1915-1939 by Luce Lebart.
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